Dr.Kalyan Chakravarthy Koganti


Medical Gastroentrologist


  Dr. Kalyan Chakravarthy Kandula, MBBS; M.D. (GEN MED); D.M. (Medical Gastro), Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist & Therapeutic Endoscopist.

  Dr. Kalyan Chakravarthy Kandula has done his MBBS in Siddhartha Medical College, VJA.

 M.D (General Medicine) in Guntur Medical College, Guntur.

  D.M (Medical Gastro) in Sri Rama Chandra Medical College, Chennai.

  He was a clinical observer in liver transplantation program at the prestigious St. James University Hospital Leeds, UK.

  He is practicing Medical Gastroenterology since 2011.

  He has vast experience in the management of various GI, Pancreas, Liver, and Gall bladder diseases. He has to his credit, nearly 20,000 endoscopic procedures till date and is well versed with various diagnostic & therapeutic endoscopic procedures.

  His area of interest is GI bleed, Pre & Post liver transplantation management.

  He was awarded Best Poster on the topic “TREATMENT OF GASTRIC VARICES”
